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It is affordable and easy to use, and the customization options are pretty much endless. Whether you are a casual blogger or an experienced businessman, Elegant Themes is not only a great way to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your website, it also helps to make your site navigable and more user-friendly, which is good for attracting more traffic and boosting business.

Visit: StudioPress. StudioPress offers flexible pricing based on your needs. Visit: ArtisanThemes. Artisan Themes is not your usual WordPress theme club. Instead of downloading themes with pre-made layouts, this theme club lets you build a theme from scratch using over 20 modules calls to action, tiled displays, portfolio elements, etc. You can unleash modules on its themes.

Two of its most functional and contemporary themes are Indigo and Modules. Simply choose the theme that best describes your business so you can set it up in a matter of minutes. You can only use the Ready Made Sites if you have installed the theme from the shop as specified. WordPress Themes Marketplace is where you can choose and buy professional designed themes from multiple vendors. Because WordPress has such a big user base, there are actually a number of great marketplaces and thousands of vendors and developers to choose from.

For example, my personal favorite — Envato Market , offers large collection of premium WordPress themes neatly organized based on themes, date added, user ratings, and price. A plugin is an add-on application that run on top of WordPress and add new features and functionality to a WordPress blog. There are more than 55, plugins in WordPress. In case this is your first time using WordPress, here are some essential and free plugins to begin with:.

Akismet is one of the oldest plugins that come along with your WordPress by default. This plugin helps check all your comments against its service to see if they are spam. Vault Press, on the other hand, is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed by Automattic. This plugin gives you the functionality to backup and synchronizes all your posts, comments, media files, revisions and dashboard settings on the servers.

Learn More: Here are a number of other simple things you can do to protect your WordPress blog. When it comes to blog performance optimization, W3 Total Cache and Swift Performance are most popular options. A cache plugin is a must-have in modern blogging world — it improves the user experience greatly by increasing the server performance, reducing the time taken to download and increases page loading speed.

It is a one-click image optimizer that able to optimize the image files in your library. It also has the automatic image compression feature to reduce the size of images while uploading them. By optimizing images, you can reduce the page load times and result in faster site performance.

Learn More: 8 actionable tips to speed up your website. Although WordPress is a SEO-friendly blogging platform, there is quite a lot more to do to improve your basic on-site SEO scores with the help of plugins. Learn More: SEO for first time bloggers. With the introduction of Gutenberg editor in WordPress 5.

By default, WordPress offers a set of basic content blocks such as a paragraph, image, call-to-action button, shortcode, and so on. By adding in Gutenberg Block plugins, you get to add more engaging elements for examples — FAQ, accordion, author profile, carousel, click-to-tweets, GIF blocks, etc to your blog.

This is normally how a newbie starts a blog: they would write about their work on Monday, hobbies on Tuesday, movies they have watched on Wednesday, and political views during the weekends.

In short, these people simply write on a wide variety of topics without a prime focus. To build a successful blog, you need to find a niche. What is your unique knowledge? How can you provide something unique to the topic that no one else can? It could even be through an interview with an expert. Remember that you will be writing, reading and talking about your topic every single day for the next few years.

If you have no interest on your blog subject, then it would be very tough to stick around constantly. That way, if a fad falls out of fashion, your blog can still keep a lookout for whatever replaces it.

Your blog needs to be in a niche that you can make money from. Ask yourself if it is a topic that will attract readers and create income — whether through advertising or sales.

If you are blogging to support your existing business, does the blog bring in new clients? If you are blogging just because you are passionate about the subject, is there a way to monetize your individual blog?

I use SpyFu , a Pay-per-click advertising tool, to estimate the profitability of a niche sometimes. My logic behind this — if advertisers are paying thousands of dollars to Google Adwords, there must be money to be made in this field. Here are two examples I found:. Learn More: Gina and I discussed in detail about finding the right blogging niche in this article — be sure to check it out if you need more help.

I remember before I started blogging professionally, that most of the successful bloggers and writers out there must have some magic trick that keeps them spinning out amazing words, day after day. I thought to myself that bloggers, writers, journalists and novelists must just have a brain that is wired that way.

These simple phrases are meant to jog your brain and get your creative juices flowing. When you are at a loss for ideas, you can turn to these prompts and come up with something to write about.

For the prompts above, you will take the title and fill in the blank. This will serve as your idea for a new article. There are hundreds of ways to finish each prompt. Learn More: How to write at least one great content per week consistently. The sad truth for many bloggers out there it has taken them too much time to build up their readership.

Getting their first 1, pageviews can take months, and some very specialist blogs never seem to get there. People are drowning in social media updates, news feeds, emails, and different kinds of promos. It's increasingly hard to get people to read your content. However, you can still do well if you know who your ideal audience is and what they are looking for. Think about the gap in your niche, what type of content is missing and how you can bring more value to your audience. You must continually share your posts, over and over.

If you are invited to join a group Pinterest board that matches your niche, sign up and share and comment frequently. This will help grow your readership and engagement.

Help out at Twitter parties. Comment on other members' posts. Share articles in your newsletters. Round up and reward blogs that you love by featuring one every week or month. Ask how you can help someone out with a guest post or by offering guest post spots. Sell their products, use their affiliates links, promote their links on your social media while tagging them.

As opportunities to recruit bloggers come up, these bloggers will remember your help and invite you to participate. That drives me away. Instead, present the content skillfully to your readers. First off, commenting on blogs is quite possibly the most overlooked method for building blog traffic — mostly because people suck at making quality, meaningful conversations with strangers myself included.

Instead, link to a relevant post of your own that adds value to the original post and discussion. Relevancy is the key here. The trick is to monitor ongoing conversations in your niche so that you can chime in when you have something helpful to say and no, not every post is going to be an opportunity — but some will.

Create some custom content relevant to a particularly hot conversation. For example, if someone asks how to do something with. Odds are that if one person asked the question, others have that same question — and your forum answer and link will live on to advise them as well when the time comes. Learn More: Growing your blog is a wide topic — I have written a 6,words advance guide on growing your blog , be sure to read it once you have learned the basics.

I am sure you have heard about some bloggers success stories by now — people who started a blog and made it rich a few years later.

Pat Flynn, blogger at Smart Passive Income makes hundred of thousands a month. While becoming an overnight Daddy Warbucks may not be in your future, you can certainly monetize your blog and start bringing in a bit of money. Be careful, because if site visitors and the search engines see your site as spammy, you will take a ranking hit.

Simply put; you make space available on your blog for external companies to advertise, for a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee. You get to choose what companies you allow to advertise, where the adverts go, and how much space they take up on your blog! To begin, create a media kit is a one page information guide that will help prospective advertisers get to know your blog at a single glance.

It should include measurement of all your social media numbers followers, engagement rates, etc , blog page views and unique visitors, as well as information about your audience and niche. There are a variety of standard ad sizes for web. The bigger the ad, the more you should charge.

Typically, advertising is sold on a month-to-month basis. Find sizes that work for your blog. The most common ad sizes in pixels are x px, x px, or x px but there are lots of other options. Keep in mind how much real estate you are willing to give up on your blog, ad position, and length of run.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business where companies pay people who promote their products — these people are known as affiliates. This means the affiliate earns money whenever an action takes place. This usually takes the form of a sale when someone buys something or a lead when someone signs up to something e.

As new bloggers, the best way to get your foot in the affiliate marketing door is by signing up with affiliate networks.

They also offer useful tools for new bloggers that can help you track sales and act as intermediaries to ensure you get paid fairly. Many bloggers often create content about topics they are passionate about — and look for related affiliate products to support their content creation. Alternatively, you can also target a specific niche that you think might fit well for you and build your content geared towards those products. Do take into consideration that different types of products often come with very widely varying degrees of affiliate commission.

Retail products tend to be very low commission and your earnings rely heavily on you being able to push large quantities of those products. Big ticket commissions are normally for services or digital goods such as subscriptions and software.

To get a better idea of how well some products may do, you can make use of the data from your affiliate network as a guide. Alternatively, an estimate of interest can also be gotten from web tools like Google Trends. Whether it is a new software that helps business owners, a cooking utensil or a how-to guide, there are many different items you can create and offer on your website.

The most common items are ebooks and instructional videos. These items are based exclusively on your knowledge of your niche area. They go a bit deeper than short blog posts or offer very specialized information. Speaking of specialized information, some blog owners choose to create a separate, membership-based area where the best articles or videos are placed.

Those who are members can access this information. You can entice people to sign up for membership by offering a short excerpt to entice the reader to subscribe. As a parting gift for reading my guide till here, I am going to provide you a list of free tools that we use all the time at WHSR. Good luck, and I wish you success in your blogging journey. This cost is based on a self-hosted blog using WordPress. No digging for hex codes and entering manually.

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