But why is it endless? It has one unique feature: it automatically finds and downloads fresh desktop wallpapers from the Internet. You just have to select wallpaper categories you like and enjoy endless stream of new pictures delivered right to your desktop every time you run the screensaver! Currently there are more than 20 wallpaper categories available for you to choose from, including Nature, Cars, Space, Flowers, Celebrities, Sports, Games, Girls, Men, Animals and others.
If Endless Slideshow Screensaver is not installed on your PC yet - use the above button to download installation package and follow several easy steps to install the screensaver. It downloads and installs in seconds.
Now click the [ Settings If the screensaver is already installed - you can use a shortcut in the Endless Slideshow Screensaver folder of Windows Start menu or on your desktop: Configure Endless Slideshow Screensaver.
There is also shortcut to open the above window where you can configure auto-start interval: Open Windows Screensaver Settings. You can configure Windows to start the screensaver automatically after any period of inactivity. Simply use the Open Windows Screensaver Settings shortcut in Endless Slideshow Screensaver folder of Windows Start menu to open the screensaver configuration window shown above.
If Endless Slideshow Screensaver is not selected - select in the list of available screensaver and set any number of minutes you like in the Wait field. And if you want to start Endless Slideshow Screensaver immediately - use one of shortcuts created by the installation package. Looking for the best Wallpaper Slideshow? Feel free to send us your own wallpaper and we will consider adding it to appropriate category.
Download, share and comment wallpapers you like. HipWallpaper is considered to be one of the most powerful curated wallpaper community online. We choose the most relevant backgrounds for different devices: desktop, tablet, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, Sasmsung Galaxy, etc. Feel free to send us your "Wallpaper Slideshow", we will select the best ones and publish them on this page. A wallpaper or background also known as a desktop wallpaper, desktop background, desktop picture or desktop image on computers is a digital image photo, drawing etc.
On a computer it is usually for the desktop, while on a mobile phone it is usually the background for the 'home' or 'idle' screen. Though most devices come with a default picture, users can usually change it to custom files of their choosing.
A mobile wallpaper is a computer wallpaper sized to fit a mobile device such as a mobile phone, personal digital assistant or digital audio player.
The height is often greater than or equal to the width.